Wednesday, August 19, 2009

All is well in the whelping box...

All is well that comes out well? Anyway... Taffy and "The Girls" are all doing well. All gained a bit of weight in the first day. Especially the big girl who clogged up the puppyworks yesterday! 13 1/2 oz at birth! She is queen of the whelping box and has crawled from end to end. She must have been the pup that I could feel doing backflips in Taffy's belly for the past couple of weeks.
They have their pink nail polish on. I mark my puppies by putting a bit of fingernail polish on different toes (1-2-3-4-5). Someone asked me how I got all girls... well... I noticed right before the whelping began that I only had pink polish and couldn't find my blue bottle (pink for the girls of course and blue for the boys). Hmmm.... wonder if that was a sign? The other thing was I had purchased two new plush blankets for the whelping box and I got blue and blue and white poka dots, so of course that jinxed it for having boys... I should have gotten a pink one too.
One girl has an interesting cowlick swirl right on the back of her head. I have never seen this on a pup before. My mom has been calling her DQ for Dairy Queen - you know for the swirl on top. But then I realized that DQ isn't a good nickname in dog show terms so she will have to get a new nickname for her swirly top. : )
Can't you tell I am tired and punchy. Time to try to sleep...

1 comment:

  1. You could call her "Dilly" after the Dilly bar, since it also has a little swirl on it. Or maybe Parfait or Sundae? :)
